Oral Ulcers: Understanding Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Oral ulcers, commonly known as mouth ulcers or canker sores, are painful sores that can develop on the mucous membranes inside the mouth. These lesions can appear as round or oval spots with a white or yellow center and a red border, often causing discomfort during eating, drinking, or speaking. Various factors can trigger oral ulcers, including stress, minor injuries to the mouth, certain medications, nutritional deficiencies, and specific medical conditions. While most mouth ulcers are harmless and typically heal on their own within one to two weeks, persistent or recurrent ulcers may require medical evaluation to rule out more serious conditions. Effective management includes maintaining good oral hygiene, using topical treatments to relieve pain, and avoiding irritants. For more detailed information on oral ulcers, their causes, symptoms, and management strategies, be sure to explore our informative posts here at DentaDigest!


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